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I found this video whilst searching on TED and I thought I would upload and share it as I found it really inspirational to watch. The performance is by Miwa Matreyek a performance and animation artist from Los Angeles California.
I am studying lighting at the moment within the context of landscape architecture for my dissertation, and am therefore very interested in the applications that lighting can be applied to. I felt the performance showed the adaptability of lighting projectors for performance and its ability to change perception of a space, person or object. Watching Miwa Matreyek performances makes me wonder how landscape could be very different if lighting was used more elaborately for changing the realization of a space and the factors surrounding it, such as a wall within or enclosing a space. Or the paving on which we walk on. The space could almost become a digital facade hiding and manipulating what is truly there.
Miwa Matreyek website with more performances